# customcategory=general=General # customcategory=jar=Tika App # customcategory=server=Tika Server # customcategory=solr=Solr Server # cat=general//10; type=options[Tika App=jar,Tika Server=server,Solr Server=solr]; label=Extractor: Choose a service to use for extraction. extractor = server # cat=general//20; type=boolean; label=Enable Logging logging = 0 # cat=general//30; type=boolean; label=Show Tika Backend Module: Enables a Tika module within the Solr backend module (experimental, only works with Tika server) showTikaSolrModule = 0 # cat=general//40; type=string; label=Exclude mime types: List of mime types to be excluded in metadata extraction excludeMimeTypes = # cat=general//50; type=string; label=File size limit when a file should be processed (configured in MB) fileSizeLimit = 500 # cat=general//60; type=boolean; label=Enable meta data extraction: Registers MetaDataExtractor, including LanguageDetector, if available. registerMetaDataExtractor = 1 # cat=jar//10; type=string; label=Tika App Jar Path: The absolute path to your Apache Tika app jar file (tika-app-x.x.jar) tikaPath = # cat=jar//20; type=string; label=Java command options: Additional command options passed to the java executable (only -D parameter is supported). Separate multiple parameters with a space. javaCommandOptions = # cat=server//10; type=string; label=Tika Server Jar Path: [Optional] The absolute path to your Apache Tika server jar file (tika-server-x.x.jar). When set you can use the backend module to start and stop the Tika server from the TYPO3 backend. Otherwise the host and port settings will be used. tikaServerPath = # cat=server//20; type=options[http,https]; label=Scheme tikaServerScheme = http # cat=server//30; type=string; label=Host tikaServerHost = localhost # cat=server//40; type=string; label=Port tikaServerPort = 9998 # cat=solr//10; type=options[http,https]; label=Scheme solrScheme = http # cat=solr//20; type=string; label=Host solrHost = localhost # cat=solr//30; type=int; label=Port solrPort = 8983 # cat=solr//40; type=string; label=Path: URL path to Apache Solr server solrPath = / # cat=solr//50; type=string; label=Core name: Apache Solr core name solrCore = core_en # cat=solr//60; type=user[ApacheSolrForTypo3\Tika\Lowlevel\EventListener\BlindedSecrets->hideInExtConf]; label=User name: Username for authentication on Apache Solr solrUsername = # cat=solr//70; type=user[ApacheSolrForTypo3\Tika\Lowlevel\EventListener\BlindedSecrets->hideInExtConf]; label=Password: Password for authentication on Apache Solr solrPassword =